Corner Country Stock & Editorial Photography: Capturing Outback Stories

Outback Australia Images

Fewer places in outback Australia are more iconic than the Corner Country. This region radiates from where New South Wales, South Australia, and Queensland borders meet: Cameron Corner. The Corner Country encompasses New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia.

There is so much to do in the northwest corner of NSW, with Tibooburra being the main town in the area (330 km north of Broken Hill). Milparinka (40 km south of Tibooburra) provides a 'look back in time' experience.

"Wherever I go in the bush, I always find my way back and always come out at the place where I want to go". Alfred Howitt, 1859. 

Cameron Corner is the surveyed northwest and southwest corners of New South Wales and Queensland, respectively, and the point at those borders joins the South Australian border.

While not precisely defined, the Corner Country is bounded by the Darling River in the south, the Simpson Desert in the west, and Charleville & Windorah in the northeast.

The Darling River catchment borders the Lake Eyre Basin (Lake Frome catchment) just north of Broken Hill and south of Cameron Corner. A great way to understand the geology/hydrography of the region is through the Watershed Loop touring route. The touring route connects the Darling River Run to other Corner Country Touring Routes.

Cameron Corner is a remote place, but that is not to say you can get a bed, a beer, a meal, fuel, and some supplies thanks to the iconic Cameron Corner Store.

It is a place of diversity and history; needless to say, it is a mecca for landscape photographers.