Darling River at Bourke Weir, Bourke Fisheries Reserve, Outback NSW, Australia

Darling River at Trilby Station during the 2008 high flow. Louth, Outback NSW

Darling River at Trilby Station during the 2008 high flow. Louth, Outback NSW

Darling River at Trilby Station during the 2008 high flow. Louth, Outback NSW

Darling River in full-flow Jan 2008, at Trilby Station, Louth, Outback NSW

Junction Island, the point at which the Murray and Darling Rivers join. Wentworth , Outback NSW, Australia

The Darling River at Kinchega National Park, Menindee, Outback NSW, Australia

The Darling River at Kinchega Natrional Park - Outback NSW - Australia

The Junction of Australia's two great waterways, The Murray and The Darling Rivers at Wentworth, Outback NSW, Australia

Tandure Lake and Lake Wetherell, part of the Menindee Lakes, in to which the Darling River flows. Darling River Run, Outback NSW

Looking downstream across the Pooncarie weir along the Darling River , Outback NSW

Looking upstream from the Pooncarie weir along the Darling River , Outback NSW

The contrast of the Darling River, with the high-flow of Jan 08, to this eight months later, it is a boom-bust river. Trilby Station, Louth, Outback NSW

Darling River at Trilby Station during the 2008 high flow. Louth, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Tilpa, between Louth and Wilcannia, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Louth which is located between Bourke and Wilcannia in Outback NSW, Australia

The Darling River at Kinchega National Park, Menindee, Outback NSW

Looking towards the bourke Wier - under water at high flow - Jan 2008

The bourke Wier - under water at high flow - Jan 2008

Darling River at Trilby Station during the 2008 high flow. Louth, Outback NSW

The Darling River in full flow, Jan 2008. Image taken at Trilby Station, Outback NSW



Darling River at Trilby Station during the 2008 high flow. Louth, Outback NSW

The glow of the setting sun on the Darling at Trilby Station, during full-flow Jan 2008 Louth, Outback NSW

The Darling river between Menindee and Pooncarie - Outback NSW - Australia

The Darling River at Pooncarie, Outback NSW, Australia

The Darling River at Tilpa Weir, a great camping spot just upstream from the Tilpa Hotel, Outback NSW

Tilpa bridge over the Darling River at Tilpa, between Louth and Wilcannia, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Tilpa, between Louth and Wilcannia, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Tilpa, near the Tilpa Hotel, Outback NSW, Australia

The Darling River at Louth, between Bourke and Wilcannia, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Louth which is located between Bourke and Wilcannia in Outback NSW, Australia

The Darling River at Louth which is located between Bourke and Wilcannia in Outback NSW, Australia

The Darling River at Tilpa Wier, Tilpa, Outback NSW, Australia

The Darling River at Tilpa Weir, a great camping spot just upstream from the Tilpa Hotel, Outback NSW

Lake Pamamaroo in 2008, part of the Menindee Lakes into which the Darling River flow. Darling River Run, Outback NSW

Menindee Lakes - Lake Pamamaroo - Outback NSW

Pooncarie - On the Darling River - Outback NSW - Australia

Old River Redgums along the Backs of the Darling River at Pooncarie, Outback NSW, Australia

Old River Redgums along the Backs of the Darling River at Pooncarie, Outback NSW, Australia

Pooncarie - On the Darling River - Outback NSW - Australia

The Darling River at Kinchega National Park, Menindee, Outback NSW, Australia

The Darling River at Kinchega National Park, Menindee, Outback NSW, Australia

The old weir on the Darling River at Kinchega National Park, Menindee, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Kinchega National Park, Menindee, Outback NSW, Australia

The Darling River at Kinchega National Park, Menindee, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Kinchega National Park, Menindee, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Kinchega National Park, Menindee, Outback NSW

Afternoon sun illuminates the trees along the Darling River at Kinchega NP, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Kinchega National Park, Menindee, Outback NSW, Australia

Junction Island, the point at which the Murray and Darling Rivers join. Wentworth , Outback NSW

Junction Island, the point at which the Murray and Darling Rivers join. Wentworth , Outback NSW, Australia

Junction Island, the point at which the Murray and Darling Rivers join. Wentworth , Outback NSW, Australia

Junction Island, the point at which the Murray and Darling Rivers join. Wentworth , Outback NSW, Australia

The magnificent North Bourke Bridge, Bourke , Darling River, Outback NSW, Australia

The magnificent North Bourke Bridge, Bourke , Outback NSW, Australia

Kids at play at the Bourke Wharf on the Darling River, Outback NSW

Free-Camping at May's Bend, North Bourke, Outback NSW, Australia

Darling River at Bourke Weir, Bourke Fisheries Reserve, Outback NSW, Australia

Darling River at Bourke Weir, Bourke Fisheries Reserve, Outback NSW, Australia

Darling River at Bourke Weir, Bourke Fisheries Reserve, Outback NSW, Australia

Darling River at Bourke Weir, Bourke Fisheries Reserve, Outback NSW, Australia

The ancient fish-traps on the Darling River at Brewarrina, Outback NSW, Australia

The ancient fish-traps on the Darling River at Brewarrina, Outback NSW, Australia

The ancient fish-traps on the Darling River at Brewarrina, Outback NSW, Australia

The Darling River at Trilby Station during the drought. Louth, Outback NSW.

The contrast of the Darling River, with the high-flow of Jan 08, to this eight months later, it is a boom-bust river. Trilby Station, Louth, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Nelia Gaari Station, Menindee, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Bindara Station, Menindee, Outback NSW

Bindara on the Darling, Menindee, Outback NSW

Menindee Lakes, Darling River, Menindee, Outback NSW. Pictured: Main Weir (Joining Lake Pamamaroo to Lake Wetherell. 02/04/2018

Menindee Lakes, Darling River, Menindee, Outback NSW. Pictured: View across Lake Pamamaroo from Main Weir 02/04/2018

Menindee Lakes, Darling River, Menindee, Outback NSW. Pictured: The bank of Lake Pamamaroo near Main Weir 02/04/2018

Menindee Lakes, Darling River, Menindee, Outback NSW. Pictured: The bank of Lake Pamamaroo near Main Weir 02/04/2018

Menindee Lakes, Darling River, Menindee, Outback NSW. Pictured: Morning light upon Lake Pamamaroo 02/04/2018

Menindee Lakes, Darling River, Menindee, Outback NSW. Pictured: Morning light upon Lake Pamamaroo 02/04/2018

Menindee Lakes, Darling River, Menindee, Outback NSW. Pictured: The (under road) outlet from Lake Wetherell into the Darling River. 02/04/2018

RV camping on the Darling River block dam, Menindee Lakes

Menindee Lakes, Darling River, Menindee, Outback NSW. Pictured: The block dam (from Lake Pamamaroo) and Darling River junction. 02/04/2018

Menindee Lake in 20018, very low and under question about ever refilling it. Menindee, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Kinchega National Park, Outback NSW

The Darling River, looking downstream from the Wilcannia bridge

The Darling River at Wilcannia and the signs of protest on the old Wilcannia bridge

The Darling River at Wilcannia and the signs of protest on the old Wilcannia bridge

The Darling River, looking downstream from the Wilcannia bridge

The Darling River stopped flowing at Tilpa Weir April 2018, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Tilpa Weir, Outback NSW

The Darling River stopped flowing at Tilpa Weir April 2018, Outback NSW

The Darling River stopped flowing at Tilpa Weir April 2018, Outback NSW

After a small environmental release upstream the Darling river flowed for a couple of days at Louth, Outback NSW.

After a small environmental release upstream the Darling river flowed for a couple of days at Louth, Outback NSW.

After a small environmental release upstream the Darling river flowed for a couple of days at Louth, Outback NSW.

Beautiful reflections on the Darling River at Mays Bend free camping on the Darling River, North Bourke, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Nelia Gaari Station, Menindee, Outback NSW

The Darling River at Nelia Gaari Station, Menindee, Outback NSW