Back in the day, I was enthused by the new highway and less so with the old road that seemed to pass through every town along the way and did little more than slow my progress getting from A to B; funny how hurried we are when younger.

Sydney - Melbourne Diversion

Getting off the highway and back on the adventure!

Words & Images: © Simon Bayliss

Murray River Road connecting Albury to Corryong

The Homogenous Highway

Over the last twenty years, I have travelled the Hume many times, and with each trip, the old two-lane highway slowly morphed into a four-lane dual carriageway.

Back in the day, I was enthused by the new highway and less so by the old road, which seemed to pass through every town along the way and did little more than slow my progress getting from A to B. It's funny how hurried we are when we are younger.

I longed for the day when I could drive the entire route without these populated speed humps, and in 2013, the last town bypass of the Hume was opened, and now I could drive unhindered.

But would I miss driving through the quaint little town of Holbrook and pondering why there was a rather large submarine in the main street despite the nearest ocean being 250km to the east?

The entire Melbourne to Sydney route is now a dual carriageway, and the many towns along it have been replaced by several conveniently located service centres. This is undoubtedly the most efficient way to drive a long distance, but undertaking such a trip often leaves one feeling missing an essential element.

The highway has become a homogenous experience, as have the big service-centre multiplexes. They lack charm, character, or interaction, not to mention proper milkshakes or the iconic flattened ham and cheese 'toastie'. These highways of convenience are just conduits from one metropolis to another, and the ‘designated’ service centres are just mini-metropolises without any town feeling or experience.

Maybe it is time to head off the highway, reconnect with what travel is about, and add a bit of adventure along the way.

So, with a few extra days to focus more on the journey than the destination, it is easy to leave the maddening highway and super service centres behind and focus more on the experiences that lie beyond the bounds of the modern highway.

Nothing Missed, Everything Gained:

Back on the highway, the reward is the sense of fulfilment for getting off the road and into the beautiful country beyond the confines of the highway.

It reminds us that this is how travel used to be, and by choosing the quickest route, we sometimes miss out on the best experiences. After all, it is more about the journey than the destination.

Winter Options:

As Swampy Plains Creek Road is closed in winter, the alternate route via Tooma, Tumbarumba, and Batlow will still provide the adventure through this wonderful region to experience the magical vistas of the northern Snow Mountains.